Saturday, January 15, 2011

Walking was so outdated!

Walking was so outdated!

In the beginning Sass and I lived on a budget so no car in this family, walking was our standard mode of transport and it was good for local trips, longer distances were accomplished with the assistance of very generous friends and their cars, but the in between trips and work?

Well that was accomplished by the bike!

I had to find a way to get her around quickly, also walking back from the studio at 2 in the morning, while it was only St Kilda to Elwood it wasn’t a great idea and took away precious sleeping time.

So I had to channel my inner MacGyver, speed, safety and comfort were a must, it was then that we pioneered the Dog Basket!

Cushion, harness and cable ties

She would take to standing up, paws on my shoulders as we were making our way along the Elwood foreshore, looking over my shoulders, wind in her hair, gums and ears a flapping, barking at the odd passerby saying ‘hello, look at me’!!

This was our main mode of transport and we both loved it.

1 comment:

Cheryl Austen said...

The photo is so cute, but the visual in my mind of Sass standing makes me smile! :)